Physics—HL&SL for the Diploma=国际文凭考试辅导丛书·物理

本书是为国际文凭课程大学预科项目(IBDP)设计的物理辅导书,内容涵盖了IB标准难度的8个主题和高难度的4个主题。 本书作者凭借多年IB课程教学经验,重新思考、总结了这12个主题的内在关系,并以此为依据,将上述内容整合,并将全书分为八章,每章再下设若干节。每节内容由Terms、Essentia...

  • ISBN:978-7-5478-4865-4
  • 作者:何妍 袁丽华 方昕 主编
  • 定价:¥200 元
  • 出版时间:2022-01-30
  • 版次:01
  • 印次:01
  • 装帧:
  • 纸张:
  • 开本:16
  • 字数:
  • 页数:


       本书作者凭借多年IB课程教学经验,重新思考、总结了这12个主题的内在关系,并以此为依据,将上述内容整合,并将全书分为八章,每章再下设若干节。每节内容由Terms、Essential ideas、Equations used、Worked example、Test yourself等5部分组成,其中Worked example提供了大量的例题及详细解答,Test yourself中包含的习题有助于复习、巩固物理概念与解题技巧。另外,在本书的最后提供了包括Test yourself的参考答案在内的3个附录,以及6幅思维导图,这些材料均可以帮助学生更方便、更有效地使用本书。

目  录


Mechanics/ 1 Chapter 1

1.1 Kinematics/ 1 1.2 Dynamics/ 19

1.3 Work, energy and power/34 1.4 Momentum/45

Chapter 2

Thermal physics/55 2.1 Thermal concepts/55 2.2 Ideal gas/65

Chapter 3

Oscillations and Wave/75

3.1 Simple harmonic motion/ 75 3.2 Introduction of wave/89

3.3 Wave phenomenon I: reflection,refraction and polarization/103 3.4 Wave phenomenon Ⅱ: diffraction and interference/3.5 Wave phenomenon Ⅲ:standing wave and Doppler effect132

Chapter 4

Gravitation, electricity and magnetism /141 4.1 Gravitational forces and fields/141 4.2 Electric forces and fields/155 4.3 Magnetic forces and fields/167

Chapter 5

Electric circuits /179

5.1 Current, potential difference and resistance179 5.2 Electric circuits/189 *5.3 Capacitor/ 204

Chapter 6

Electromagnetic induction/218

6.1 EM induction/218

6.2 Power generation and transmission230

Chapter 7 Atomic, nuclear and particle physics/245

7.1 Atomic physics/245 7.2 Nuclear physics/257 7.3 Particle physics/274

*Chapter 8

Quantum physics/288 8.1 Photoelectric effect/288 8.2 Uncertainty principle/299


Appendix I/ 307 Appendix Ⅱ/ 310 Appendix Ⅲl /348


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