

  • ISBN:978-7-5478-6321-3
  • 作者:钟盛兰 主编,梁林江 主审
  • 定价:¥148 元
  • 出版时间:2023-11-01
  • 版次:01
  • 印次:01
  • 装帧:
  • 纸张:
  • 开本:16
  • 字数:
  • 页数:



目  录


 Regional Anatomy of the Anus and Rectum 001

1.1 Anus 001

1.2 Anal Canal 001

 1.2.1 Def inition 001

 1.2.2 Structure of the Anal Canal 002

1.3 Rectum 004

 1.3.1 Morphology of the Rectum 004

 1.3.2 Vicinity of the Rectum 005

1.4 Muscles Surrounding the Anorectum 007

 1.4.1 Internal Anal Sphincter (IAS) 007

 1.4.2 External Anal Sphincter (EAS) 007

 1.4.3 Conjoined Longitudinal Muscle 008

 1.4.4 Levator Ani 009

1.5 Anorectal Spaces 010

1.6 Anal and Rectal Vasculature 012

 1.6.1 Arteries 012

 1.6.2 Veins 013

1.7 Lymphatic Drainage of the Rectum and Anus 014

 1.7.1 The Upper Group 014

 1.7.2 The Lower Group 015

1.8 Anal and Rectal Nerves 015

 1.8.1 Rectal Nerves 015

 1.8.2 Anal Nerves 015

2 Hemorrhoids 017

2.1 Introduction 017

 2.1.1 Etiology and Pathology 017

 2.1.2 Clinical Classif ication and Staging 025

2.1.3 Diagnosis 033

 2.1.4 Treatment 036

2.2 Surgical Illustrations of Hemorrhoids 041

 2.2.1 Stripping and Resection of Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids 041

 2.2.2 Hemorrhoidectomy of the Connective Tissue Type of External 

Hemorrhoids 043

 2.2.3 Stripping and Excision of External Hemorrhoids Characteristic 

of Varicose Veins 044

 2.2.4 Circumferential Ligation of Internal Hemorrhoids at a High 

Location 045

 2.2.5 Excision of the External Portion and Ligation of the Internal 

Portion of Mixed Hemorrhoids (1) 047

 2.2.6 Excision of the External Portion and Ligation of the Internal 

Portion of Mixed Hemorrhoids (2) 049

 2.2.7 Excision of the External Portion and Ligation of the Internal 

Portion of Incarcerated Mixed Hemorrhoids 051

 2.2.8 Stripping of the External Portion and Ligation of the Internal 

Portion of the Incarcerated Mixed Hemorrhoid 052

 2.2.9 Mixed Hemorrhoids with Eczema 054

 2.2.10 Mixed Hemorrhoids with Hypertrophied Anal Papillae 055

 2.2.11 Mixed Hemorrhoids with Anal Papilloma and Fissure 056

 2.2.12 Resection (of External Components) and Ligation (of Internal 

Components) of Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids 057

 2.2.13 Separation, Resection (of the External Component) and Ligation 

(of the Internal Component) of Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids (1) 061

 2.2.14 Separation, Resection (of the External Component) and Ligation 

(of the Internal Component) of Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids (2) 064

 2.2.15 Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids (Surgery in Stages) 066

 2.2.16 Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids Incarcerated 067

 2.2.17 Internal Hemorrhoid Ligation Technique 075

 2.2.18 Internal Hemorrhoid Injection Technique 076


著译者:于广军 主编
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